
Showing posts from January, 2019

Teaching practice weekly report-7

WEEK 7 (14/1/2019,16/1/2019)          This was the seventh week of our teaching practice.In this week, I almost completed 25 lesson plan.We lost 3 days ,one because of Pongal,and on Thursday and Friday,there occurred a international seminar on our college.In this week, I made one peer evaluations.On the whole day, we served the midday meals. On Monday, there occurred a special assembly and occurred a class PTS on the noon.On Wednesday, there occurred a JRC parade.On that day, we took our Yoga lesson plan. And I selected Vrikshasana and Thadasana for teaching.       On Monday, I got only one class on 8 D at the fifth hour. I teach them the topic Rhombus and On Tuesday also I got only one class  and I teach them to work out the problems of Rhombus.    On the whole, this week was a nice experience for me.

Teaching practice weekly report -8

WEEK 8 (21/1/2019 to 25/1/2019)        This was the eighth week of our teaching practice and also this was the last week of teaching practice in our B.ed curriculum.In this week, I completed my 30 lesson plan. I got  some substitutions in 8 D.On the whole day, we served the midday meals. On Monday, there occurred a special  Morning assembly and inauguration of e-magazines based on the little kids club by DEO. In this week, I made 5 peer evaluations.On Thursday, I took conscientization class on 7 B on the topic " food habits and obesity".We helped teachers and students in the preparation for Republic day celebration.On Friday, we served.sweets to students and teachers as a tocken of love and say bye to our school after getting sign on our records.        On Monday, I got two hours on 8 D. One hour, I done a test paper of the unit Ratio and in the other hour l completed the section Rhombus by helping the students in work out it. On Tuesday, I got two hours and I introduced th



Teaching Practice Weekly Report-6

Week 6 (7/1/19 to 11/1/19)     This was the sixth week of our teaching practice.In this week, I almost completed 23 lesson plan.We lost two days because of National job strike of Tuesday and Wednesday .On Friday,I made two peer evaluations.In this week, I got some substitutions in 8 D and Friday    noon FM radio was presented by 8 D.On monday, there occurred a morning assembly and Friday,there occurred speech competition based on the topic ,"Pralayam,keralam padichathum padikkanullathum".whole these days, we serve the mid day Meals and the principal announced to give the detailed list of pupils who want to participate in the annual day.        On Monday, I got two classes on 8 D and revised the whole topic which taught Saturday based on ICT .On thursday got two classes and practice the students more problems.On Friday, I got two classes,and discusses the question paper model with students.On that day, I started the new chapter ,"Area of quadrilaterals" and explain
T eaching Practice Weekly Report -5     Week 5( 4/1/2019 & 5/1/2019) This was the sixth week of our teaching practice. In this week, I Almost completed 20 lesson plan.We lost one day because there occurred a Hartal due to Women entry in Sabarimala.since this was the second shift of the second phase of teaching practice which  re continues after Christmas examination. There occurred a regular class on Saturday.Most of the hustlers students  are absent,because they want to come after two days National job strike.These two days, we serve the mid day Meals. On Friday , I made two peer evaluations.            On Friday, I got only one class on 8 D at the sixth hour and that day I revised the portion till changing relation and inquired them about the Mark's they obtained in the last exam.On Saturday, the strength of the class was very low and I took only one class and it was the ICT enabled class and pupils like it very much.      On the whole, this was a nice experience for me.

Speech competition...pralayam ,keralam padichathum padikkanullathum


My class observation


Peer evaluation 4


Peer evaluations 3


Monday special assembly


Peer evaluation


Peer evaluations
