Teaching practice weekly report-7

WEEK 7 (14/1/2019,16/1/2019)

         This was the seventh week of our teaching practice.In this week, I almost completed 25 lesson plan.We lost 3 days ,one because of Pongal,and on Thursday and Friday,there occurred a international seminar on our college.In this week, I made one peer evaluations.On the whole day, we served the midday meals. On Monday, there occurred a special assembly and occurred a class PTS on the noon.On Wednesday, there occurred a JRC parade.On that day, we took our Yoga lesson plan. And I selected Vrikshasana and Thadasana for teaching.

      On Monday, I got only one class on 8 D at the fifth hour. I teach them the topic Rhombus and On Tuesday also I got only one class  and I teach them to work out the problems of Rhombus.

   On the whole, this week was a nice experience for me.
