Teaching Practice Weekly Report -5

    Week 5( 4/1/2019 & 5/1/2019)

This was the sixth week of our teaching practice. In this week, I
Almost completed 20 lesson plan.We lost one day because there occurred a Hartal due to Women entry in Sabarimala.since this was the second shift of the second phase of teaching practice which  re continues after Christmas examination. There occurred a regular class on Saturday.Most of the hustlers students  are absent,because they want to come after two days National job strike.These two days, we serve the mid day Meals. On Friday , I made two peer evaluations.

           On Friday, I got only one class on 8 D at the sixth hour and that day I revised the portion till changing relation and inquired them about the Mark's they obtained in the last exam.On Saturday, the strength of the class was very low and I took only one class and it was the ICT enabled class and pupils like it very much.

     On the whole, this was a nice experience for me.
