Teaching Practice Weekly Report-6

Week 6 (7/1/19 to 11/1/19)

    This was the sixth week of our teaching practice.In this week, I almost completed 23 lesson plan.We lost two days because of National job strike of Tuesday and Wednesday .On Friday,I made two peer evaluations.In this week, I got some substitutions in 8 D and Friday    noon FM radio was presented by 8 D.On monday, there occurred a morning assembly and Friday,there occurred speech competition based on the topic ,"Pralayam,keralam padichathum padikkanullathum".whole these days, we serve the mid day Meals and the principal announced to give the detailed list of pupils who want to participate in the annual day.

       On Monday, I got two classes on 8 D and revised the whole topic which taught Saturday based on ICT .On thursday got two classes and practice the students more problems.On Friday, I got two classes,and discusses the question paper model with students.On that day, I started the new chapter ,"Area of quadrilaterals" and explain the first sub unit " same area" using Constructivist Model which uses activity cards and arriving at the conclusion of finding the formula for area of parallelogram.

   On the whole, this week was a nice experience for me.There seemed to be a good improvements in my teaching.I had go through so many new experience in this week.I really enjoyed this week.
