
Showing posts from December, 2018
COUNSELING CLASS Maruanna thalamurayum valarunna thalachrum

Teaching practice weekly report -4

  WEEK 4 (3/12/2018 to 7/12/2018) This was the fourth week of our teaching practice and it was the temporarily last week of our second phase of of teaching practice.In this week I almost completed 18 lesson plan.In this week, I didn't get many substitution classes,because many of the students are absent as they went to the study tour to kerala Niyamsabha,Trivandrum on Fridayand at the end of the week many of them are absent as they take study leave in self for the upcoming mid term exam of the next week.On Friday, there occurred a counselling class for parents on the topic Maarunna thalamurayu valarunna thalachorum.             On Monday, I got two hours on the 8 D at the 7th and 8th hours and help them to solve the problem on the topic part relation.On Tuesday also I got two hours on the 8 D and help them to complete the subunit part relation with the help of activity cards.On Wednesday and Thursday I got only one class and I started the new subunit changing relation and hel


This was the Third week of our teaching practice.In this week I almost complete Thirteen lesson plan.I lost two days,because on Tuesday there occurred a talk show in our college by M.P Shashi Tharoor    and we are commanded by the principal to attend the program.secondly,on Friday there is no class because of educational strike.Also in this week there are IT practical examinations of class 8,study tour and the end of the program Malayalathilakkam occurred.However I finished the chapter Construction of quadrilaterals.On the last day I started the new chapter Ratio.            On Monday, I got two hours and I taught them construction of Trapezium and help them to do the exercise problems.On Tuesday we went to our college to attend the talk Show.On Wednesday,I got two hours on 8 D and completed the exercise problems of Trapezium and started the  topic Quadrilaterals.On Thursday I got only one class and I completed the portion construction of Quadrilaterals and started the new unit Rat